Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Software Development Class Project

My students are currently working on a software development project that includes everything in the process from brainstorming through release. A lot of my students are currently trying to narrow down their problem statements, target market, and completing customer surveys to guide project direction.  I want to help them understand that software development isn't just about coming up with an idea they are excited about but adjusting that idea to match customer wants and needs. 

Students are giving people within their target market demographics surveys that give them feedback on what those potential customers want to see in the game or app they are developing.  The survey results help guide revisions they make to their problem statement and design.  I am proud of my students everyday when I walk around the room and hear conversations about timelines, adjustments to mechanics, fatal errors that need fixed, and how to deal with problems which arise daily.  They may not realize it but this project is directly preparing them for the workforce by improving problem solving and critical thinking. 

I keep saying that I don't want to teach my students; I want to guide them down a path that leads to learning and most importantly thinking for themselves.  If my students rely on me to provide resources and walk them through each problem they never find out their capability which is more than they (or I) can imagine.  With online resources possibilities are endless if they know how to find answers and work toward solutions.  As teachers let's take a step back from our own egos and say that it is the students who do the hard work and we need to trust them to do so.  When we provide step by step instructions and allow no flexibility, creativity, or choice in assignments we stifle student's ability to really learn.

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